Source code for iniesta.sqs.message

from typing import Any

import hashlib
import ujson as json
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from insanic.conf import settings
from iniesta.log import error_logger
from iniesta.messages import MessageAttributes
from iniesta.sessions import BotoSession

empty = object()


    "delay_seconds_out_of_bounds": "Delay Seconds must be between 0 and 900 inclusive. Got {value}.",
    "delay_seconds_type_error": "Delay Seconds must be an integer. Got {value}.",

[docs]class SQSMessage(MessageAttributes): """ The Message object that will be used to send a message to SQS. :param client: The client that will be sending this message. :type client: :code:`SQSClient` :param message: The message to send. A json serializable value. """ def __init__(self, client, message: Any) -> None: super().__init__() self.client = client self["MessageBody"] = message self.message_id = None self.original_message = None self.receipt_handle = None self.md5_of_body = None self.attributes = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqs(cls, client, message: Any): """ A helper method that unpacks everything from receive_message :param client: SQSClient instance from which the message came from :type client: :code:`SQSClient` :param message: The message from receive_message when polling SQS. :return: A initialized SQSMessage instance. :rtype: :code:`SQSMessage` """ try: message_object = cls(client, message["Body"]) message_object.original_message = message message_object.message_id = message["MessageId"] message_object.receipt_handle = message["ReceiptHandle"] message_object.md5_of_body = message["MD5OfBody"] message_object.attributes = message["Attributes"] message_object["MessageAttributes"] = message.get( "MessageAttributes", {} ) except KeyError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"SQS Message is invalid: {e.args[0]}") else: return message_object
def __eq__(self, other): if self.message_id is not None: return self.message_id == other.message_id else: return False @property def delay_seconds(self) -> int: """ The length of time in seconds to delay the message. """ return self.get("DelaySeconds", 0) @delay_seconds.setter def delay_seconds(self, value: int) -> None: """ To set the length of time in seconds to delay the message. :raises TypeError: If the value is not an int. :raises ValueError: If the value is not between 0 and 900. """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError( ERROR_MESSAGES["delay_seconds_type_error"].format(value=value) ) elif value < 0 or value > 900: raise ValueError( ERROR_MESSAGES["delay_seconds_out_of_bounds"].format( value=value ) ) self["DelaySeconds"] = value @property def raw_body(self): """ The raw body of the message. """ return self["MessageBody"] @property def body(self): """ The body as a python object. """ try: return json.loads(self.raw_body) except ValueError: return self.raw_body @property def event(self) -> str: """ The event that this message was received as. """ return self.message_attributes.get(settings.INIESTA_SNS_EVENT_KEY, None)
[docs] def checksum_body(self) -> bool: """ Verifies the body was properly received. """ return ( hashlib.md5(self["MessageBody"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() == self.md5_of_body )
@property def message_attributes(self) -> dict: """ Any message attributes attached to this body. Refer to """ _message_attributes = {} for attribute, attribute_value in self["MessageAttributes"].items(): data_type = attribute_value["DataType"].split(".", 1)[0] if data_type == "Number": data_type = "String" _message_attributes.update( {attribute: attribute_value[f"{data_type}Value"]} ) return _message_attributes
[docs] async def send(self): """ Sends this message to the queue defined in client. :rtype: :code:`SQSMessage` :raises botocore.exceptions.ClientError: If there was an issue when sending the message to SQS. """ session = BotoSession.get_session() try: async with session.create_client( "sqs", region_name=BotoSession.aws_default_region, endpoint_url=self.client.endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id=BotoSession.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=BotoSession.aws_secret_access_key, ) as client: message = await client.send_message( QueueUrl=self.client.queue_url, **{ k: v for k, v in self.items() if k in VALID_SEND_MESSAGE_ARGS }, ) self.message_id = message["MessageId"] self.md5_of_body = message["MD5OfMessageBody"] return self except ClientError as e: error_logger.critical( f"[{e.response['Error']['Code']}]: {e.response['Error']['Message']}" ) raise except Exception: # pragma: no cover error_logger.exception("Sending SQS message failed.") raise