Custom Initialization

Custom Initialization is where you don’t want to Iniesta to do anything and would like to set everything up your self. By settings CUSTOM in your INIESTA_INITIALIZATION_TYPE, Iniesta, only loads the configs and you must create all the SNS and SQS Clients yourself, as well as managing the lifecycle of the clients.

Polling Custom Queue

First we need to create a custom SQSClient and start polling in the listeners.

  1. Initialize and instantiate a SQSClient in listener and start polling

from iniesta.sqs import SQSClient

async def after_server_start_start_polling(app, loop, **kwargs):
    app.sqs_client = await SQSClient.initialize(queue_name="my_custom_queue")

# remember to stop before stopping server
async def before_server_stop_stop_polling(app, loop, **kwargs):
    await app.sqs_client.stop_receiving_messages()
  1. Attach the listeners to Insanic application

from insanic import Insanic
from iniesta import Iniesta

app = Insanic("my_service")

from .listeners import after_server_start_start_polling, before_server_stop_stop_polling

app.register_listener(after_server_start_start_polling, 'after_server_start')
app.register_listener(before_server_stop_stop_polling, 'before_server_stop')
  1. Create handlers and attach to custom SQSClient

from iniesta.sqs import SQSClient

client = SQSClient('my_custom_queue')

def handle_something(message):
    # do some stuff
    return None
  1. Run

Publishing to Custom SNS

All we need to create a custom SNSClient and initialize it.

  1. Initialize SNSClient

from iniesta.sns import SNSClient

async def after_server_start_initialize_sns(app, loop=None, **kwargs):
    app.sns_client = await SNSClient.initialize(
  1. Attach listener to insanic app

from insanic import Insanic
from iniesta import Iniesta

app = Insanic("service")

from .listeners import after_server_start_initialize_sns

app.register_listener(after_server_start_initialize_sns, 'after_server_start')
  1. Run!

  2. Produce message anywhere in code

# maybe
from insanic.views import InsanicView
from sanic.response import json

from iniesta.sns import SNSClient

class SomeView(InsanicView):

    async def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs);
        # ... do some stuff

        message ="MyCustomEvent", {"command": "formation"})
        await message.publish()

        return json({}, status=200)